
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Windows from the sky

We are situated in the brahmaanda (crudely translated as solar-system in english) of Chatur-mukhi (Four-Faced) Brahma-Dev. This is the fourth largest solar-system in the Universe, with that of the One-Faced Brahma being the smallest. Like this, there are Lord Brahmas having hundreds of thousands of Heads, governing brahmaandas having proportionately similar dimensions.

Our brahmaanda, for instance, has a radius of 4 billion miles. Quite logically, there are brahmaandas that are millions of times greater than ours. And this is backed up by science, too! In our own galaxy, we have discovered suns many hundreds or thousands of times greater than ours.

It is stated in the scriptures that counting the number of dust particles on the surface of the earth, or floating in its atmosphere, may just be possible, but not counting, or stating, the number of brahmaandas in the existence. Thus, it is very clearly established that there are infinite brahmaandas - each having a Governing Trio of Brahma-Vishnu-Rudra.

Infinite brahmaandas Mahat-tattva (total material creation)

This Mahat-tattva, which resembles a dark cloud, is surrounded by water on all sides. Just as the aforesaid Mount Kailas has wonderful supra-dimensional properties, so also is this water-body a very wonderful thing. It is called Virajaa, and is likened to a river.

No liberated soul can leave behind the prison-house of Maya without crossing this Virajaa River. As soon as the liberated soul enters into its spiritual waters, the subtlest of the remaining mayic defilements dissolve into its extraordinary substance, and the soul becomes truly divine.

Beyond this Virajaa river is situated 3/4th of the total existence (the aforementioned Mahat-tattva constituting the remaining 1/4th), and is called Parah-Vyoma

This spiritual sky contains the following lokas, or worlds, in ‘ascending’ order of spiritual position.

  1. Siddha-lok: This is where the Gyanis remain immersed in Nirgun-Brahm. The soul, having destroyed its mind, becomes one with the formless Aspect of God, and enjoys infinite, ineffable Peace called Bahmananda. Such a gyani experiences ‘I’ wherever he goes. Because the triputi (triad) of gyata-gyan-geya or knower-knowledge-known has fallen away, the soul experiences ‘I’ as akhand and One. Theoretically, the gyanis say that due to absolute Adwaita (or non-duality), the ‘soul’ doesn’t experience Bliss, because ‘I’ itself is Bliss. But everyone knows the gyanis look forward to this state only because of the bliss. Puri Shankaracharya waxed philosophical about this paradox by calling it ‘vichitra’ or strange. Vaishnavas can perfectly explain why gyanis feel bliss, but such philosophizing is, frankly, beyond my current level of experience or knowledge. Anyway, Gyanis opine that such a state is not subject to space, and thus there is no such ‘space’ or sky called siddha-lok. But Vaishnavas, who have a better understanding of the ved richas, certainly do. Those who realize their ‘Shivatva’ or oneness with Shiva and Kali also remain suspended here. Due to absence of empirical duality, the soul certainly is emancipated from the suffering he used to experience before, but it doesn’t experience real happiness. The gyanis, digging their own grave as regards position of their school of thought, famously state that this ‘state or condition’ is an extrapolation of deep-sleep or sushupti. But sushupti, according to the Vaishnavas, is just cessation of suffering. It is only because we don’t suffer during deep sleep (due to suspension of the mind) that we feel peace.
  2. Divine sky, or sphere, probably (how can I possibly even know the correct percentage? I can only guess) makes up 80% of the total Parah-Vyoma, or the total spiritual existence. This section of the spiritual sky is filled with virtually infinite lokas, each loka being governed by an avatar of God. Hayagreev, Dhumavati, Varaaha, Kaal-bhairav, Meenakshi, Matsya, Khandoba, Koorma, Kaali, Mohini, Dattatreya, Kapila, etc. etc. - all of These Wonderful incarnations of God have one loka designated for each of Them. It’s like wonderland, but infinitely better. Imagine a loka of Jain Teerthankars, of Buddhas, Christian Heaven, Jannah, etc. etc. etc. Broadly however, These lokas may be categorized as:  Kaumara-loka - the worlds of Lord Karttikeya 
  3. Gaanpatya-loka: the worlds of Lord Ganesha,
  4. Shiva-loka: the worlds of Shiva, led by Kailaasa. Half of Shiva-loka is eternally covered with impenetrable darkness, where not even the slightest trace of light is visible. The other half shines brightly, as if lit by a billion moonsThis part of Shiva-loka is beyond the splendor and beauty of anything below it. It is filled with snow-capped mountains, gushing rivers, meadows, plains, fields, forests - and every land-form, or water-body imaginable. In the center of that world, beneath a humongous Banyan-tree and on a Tiger-skin, is seated Lord Sadashiva, the Master of Jeeva, and Maya. This Aspect of God is celebrated in the Vaishnav Puranas as Parah-Brahm, the Origin of infinite Brahmas, Vishnu, and Rudras, and the Equal of Lord Narayana. He is surrounded by His quirky, yet divine, Retinue, headed by the Divine Bull, Nandi, Ganesha, Kumara, etc. In this Shiva-loka, Lord Shiva is sometimes engaged in samadhi (wherein He either meditates on His Own Self, on Parvati, or Sankarashana-Adi-Shesha, His Master), and sometimes is seen interacting with His devotees, who have different relationships with Him laden with various sentiments (e.g. the disciple-Master relationship as illustrated in the Dakshina-Murti incarnation).
  5. Devi-loka: the worlds of Devi, led by Mani-Dveepa. Mani-dveepa is the spiritual station of Bhuvaneshwari, the Four-armed Form of Devi. This Mani-dveep has a strange structure. It resembles an island, and is filled with compartments, much like concentric rectangles, or squares. Each of the outer squares perform the function of ramparts for the inner squares. Due to being studded with spiritual gems of great wonder, this island is known as Mani-dveepa. A very mighty Form of Lord Vishnu lies in one of the outer compartments, followed by various Forms of the Great Goddess, Devi. In the center of that great island, lies Devi Bhuvaneshwari Herself, sometimes called as Lalita Tripursundari. Lalita is seated a Divine Cot of Lord Shiva, whose four legs constitute of Lords Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, and Ishwara, thus proving Her as the Origin of infinite Brahmas, Vishnus, and Rudras. In this island, the Great Goddess rules as an Empress, and maintains some distance from Her subjects.
  6. Vaikuntha-loka: the worlds of Lord Vishnu, led by Vaikuntha. Lord Narayana, and Goddess Mahalakshmi are the Supreme Sovereigns of all the above worlds of the spiritual skyand thus, this section is collectively called as VaikunthaLord Narayana is the celebrated Purusha of the Purush-sookt, the Lord of all Lords. There is no Form of God Who has as much, or more, opulence than Him. Vaikuntha is the final frontier when it comes to Wealth, Royalty, Magnificence, and Grandeur. While Kailaas is more inclined towards nature, Vaikuntha is filled with cities of the most extraordinary Grandeur. This most Opulent, Extravagant, and Affluent Spiritual World derives all its Wealth from Mahakshmi, Who is the Spiritual Wealth of all living beings, and is the All-in-all. Due to the sheer amount of spiritual Gold, Gems, Crystals, and Pearls, found in this world, it shines the brightest among all the other worlds of the Spiritual Sky. Here, Four-Armed Srimaan Narayana rules as Emperor, with His Sakti, Mahalakshmi, as rightful Empress. This Divine Couple is celebrated in the vedas as the First Couple, and is surrounded by divine Beings, like Garuda, Adi-Shesha, and Vivaksen.
  7. Saaket-loka: The world of Lords Sri Sri Seeta Ramachandra. Lord Rama appears in the material world as the Scion of the Raghu Dynasty, and the Darling of King Janaka and Queen Kausalya, and Seeta is born to King Janaka-the greatest authority in Gyan-Maarga, and Sunaina. In Saaket-loka, Lord Rama is eternally the Husband of Paraamba Seeta Devi, the Origin of all Saktis, and the Supreme Mother Divine. This Two-Armed Humanoid Form of God is celebrated in the vedic scriptures as the original Parah-Brahm. Sure, Lord Rama is also a Prince, but He is so much more than that. He is the Son of the King and Queen, Friend of the ‘lower-class’ of the Divine Society, Friend of monkeys and bears like Hanuman and Jaambavan, and a mendicant in Chitrakoot. Lord Rama is the Mightiest Hero in the Spiritual Sky, having the strength to break Lord Shiva’s divine Bow, Pinaak
  8. Go-loka: The world of Lords Sri Sri Radha Krsna. Lord Krsna appears as the Darling of Nanda, and Yashoda, and Sri Radharani as the most precious Darling of King Vrshabhaanu and Mother Keerti. Go-loka is the most nature-friendly abode of God amongst all. There’s streams, there’s the mighty Yamuna river, the Govardhana peak, the Forests, the Bowers, the Cows!, the peacocks, the parrots, etc. etc. It’s just the most wonderful scenic Place in the spiritual Sky. All the Forms of God are ever-eager to play in the forests of Go-loka, especially Vrndaavana - the seat of pastimes of the Divine Couple, Radha-Krsna. This is also the most secretive among the Worlds of God. Due to God’s inherent nature of being infinitely Merciful and Affectionate without reason, He has done away with all His Grandeur, Royalty, and Power hereIn this World, He is merely a Cowherd-Boy. He is the Master of Daruk, etc., Son to the devotees like Yasoda and Nanda-Baba, Friend to Sridama, Mansukh, Dhansukh, etc., and the Beloved of Lalita, Vishakha, Chandravali, etc. Due to such closeness, all awareness of the constitutional position, of God and individual soul, vanishes, and what is left is ineffable, indescribable, extraordinary sweetnessThe Sakhas of Gokul ride upon God’s Back, and the Gopis make Him dance to the tune of their claps. Mother Yashoda scolds Him and threatens to beat and Him, and Lalita, Vishakha, enjoy Him begging their permission to meet Sri Radharani.

Thus, the Super-excellent Worlds of God have been described above. Most of it has been sourced from Brhad-Bhagavat-AmritaBrahma-Sanghita, and the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam Purana (a Shaakt scripture, btw). The hierarchical order of the position of the Spiritual Worlds, however, is simple fact. One only need look at it with logic to understand. Would you rather enjoy spending eternity with the professional version of your son/husband/father/friend (when he is all serious, and straight-faced at work), or his at-home version (where he allows the kids to climb on his shoulders, his mother to scold him and ruffle his hair, and the wife to hug him)?

As Radha-Krsna, God doesn’t say ‘I’m Superior’ to the Other Forms viz. Parvati-Shankar, Durga, and Lakshmi-Narayana, but God certainly opens Himself up more. If you want to enjoy the most of God, worship Sri Radharani and Lord Krsna, under the guidance of a Rasika saints, like Jagadguru Sri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, Sri Hit Premanand Maharaj, Shri Ramesh Baba Ji, Nimbark Kathia Baba, etc. etc.

The Absolute Truth is right in front of you, and it must’ve surely struck a logical chord within. Now, the rest is up to you. It is not a question of superiority of spiritual power, or physical strength, but a matter of Rasa - or divine Bliss.

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